Business and Economy Promotion Centre

Subject type: BSO

BEPC is a non for profit organisation providing services and support to SME mainly in Durrës Region. BEPC was founded in 1999 and since then it has collected a various experience in economic and social development, in policy making level including maritime, nautical, health & care sectors but also as research, innovation and business planning.
BEPC has an extensive experience with previous international funded projects/programmes, including USAID, EU, World Bank or Territorial Programme Cooperation, being one of the main players in the Durres Region development and closely collaboration with local and central government, Chamber of Commerce and Districts Institutions.
The Business and Economy Promotion Centre has a long experience in the territory and a strong network of partners, bringing to partnerships a valid and skilled contribution, mainly related to developing ICT & software models, strategies, data analysis, mapping, monitoring and evaluation, as well as strong relationships with the local and central stakeholders.
BEPC aims to be gradually transformed in an advanced centre of information and education for private and public organizations on issues related to economic and social development, in particular related to Silver Industry , regionally and nationwide.
Main mission of BEPC Business & Economy Promotion Centre is to support the economic and social development of Durres Region territory, based on its local natural, social and institutional resources. QPBE has a long experience in the Durres Region area in assisting public authorities in drafting Development Strategies (Durres 2006), Fiscal Policies (Durres 2007) and assisting in Private/Public Partnership development.
QPBE has a long experience in the territory and a strong network of partners and collaborators. Previous activities implemented in developing strategies, Analysis in Health and Care Market , Mapping and strong relationship with the local stakeholders will make possible to realize.
Specific objectives of BEPC are:
-Promotion of democratic institutions and governance
-Setting-up of a service system to public and private organizations that can continuously support regional economic development
-Promotion of birth, survival and growth of private small and medium-sized businesses
-Promotion of new sustainable business sectors, as Silver Industry, in the Adriatic Ionian Macroregion.
Part of technical expertise include introduction of methodologies like, data analysis, public consultations, research, development of policy documents, field work and early engagement with state structures.
BEPC is present in the Durres Region territory from many years, implementing interventions both at local and national combining advocacy with direct capacity building and system strengthening work, as well being present in grass root levels, working closely with communities and local structures in different parts of Albania.
We would like to especially emphasize as priorities in engaging with other actors, based on our previous experience and learning:
- Partnership with grass root organizations, etc
- Early engagement and direct support to municipalities to empower them in light of new additional duties assigned to them by territorial reform (2015)
- Engagement and support of networks of CSOs and Community-based Organizations to intensify efforts and increase pressure to central and local governments
BEPC credibility and trust as an accountable and transparent organization is acknowledged at both local and central government level. Continuous communication and cooperation is ensured with line/respective ministries at central level, herein to be mentioned the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Finance as well as with their direct structures. In both sectors we operate through Memorandum of Understanding signed with both ministries, where clear roles and responsibilities are defined. Moreover BEPC is always invited and sits in important technical process of reviewing policy papers, laws, plan of actions or other strategic documents developed in the sector.


N 7, Street Prokop Meksi, Nr 180


  • Management, Services

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This platform and its contents have been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The content of the platform is the sole responsibility of ECO-NautiNET Consortium and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union and/or ADRION Programme authorities.
Econautinet 2025