Gerveni Travel Ltd

Subject type: SME

Gerveni travel created in 2004 as the market needs to be as close as possible to provide the customer with the better service with the most competitive price.
In 2004, Gerveni Travel operated with the Skenderbeg line ferry, seeing the good performance of the company and that of the agency. The Gerveni Travel brings another ferry in cooperation with the Northbay LDA representative company on the line Vlorë – Brindsi in 2007, offering passengers a quality service at the most competitive price. Capacity 800 passengers 130 vehicles.Given the market’s performance and the demands of citizens in 2011 Gerveni travel in cooperation with European Ferris brings a modern and very comfortable European Voyager, speed 20night / hour capacity 1400 passengers 330 vehicles and 20 trucks. The latest innovation is the introduction of the newest Ferry Tintsea Shipping LTD ferry company, ST Damian which has a 900 passenger capacity with 220 vehicles and 20 trucks.Through out these years, Gerveni Travel has been the leader in the port of Vlora, where during these years 852,714 passengers and 90000 vehicles have trusted traveling with this company.
In 2017 Gerveni travel represents the company Northbay LDA and Tnitsea shipping LTD.

Contact details:
Tel: +355 400 441


Vlore Lagjia Pavaresia, Rruga Hektor Shyti, Pallati Nr.25 prane Portit Detar Vlore, Kati I


  • Nautical equipment
  • Nautical marina, Services

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