Subject type: SME

Interalba, were created in February 1993, being the third private company in Albania with activities shipping and forwarding agency. The central office is in Durres and they have other branches in Vlora, Saranda, and lastly in Ferizaj/Kosovo.
Now, in order to adopt with new technologies and partners, the name of company is Interalba Logistic.
Firstly, the company orientations where focused in port services as shipping agency, loading – unloading services, forwarders, and transport services with destination through railway and motorway. In these last years, motorway transport has experienced an considerable growth and this mainly has arrived as a result of containers services in Durres port and large growth rates of this transport. They have a considerable weight in elaboration of container transport ( export – impot) especially those with destination from Kosovo and Macedonia.
Recently by Trade Leaders Club Madrid, it has been accorded with an international prize The 13th International Transport Award (New Millennium Award) which was held on 5th October 2011 in Madrid.

Contact details:
Tel: 00355 52 801 015


DURRES Shëtitorja Taulantia, P.1, K.12, Ap.30


  • Nautical equipment
  • Nautical marina, Services

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