
Subject type: SME

Emorje.com is internet magazine about the sea and coast, owned by the company for publishing, consulting, trade, and graphic engineering, Osminka&Co. d.o.o.
Osminka & Co. is a specialized publishing house for books with a touch of the sea, for conducting congresses and education. With twenty-five years experiences in publishing, consulting, graphic preparation, printing and trade, with the AAA credit rating, the company is placed in the top of the Slovenian educational and publishing business. Osminka & Co. is also the publishing house for Mitja Zupančič, author of several books and TV documentary reports with marine impressions. Miha has 1023 miles offshore, 70 written articles, 29052 recorded photos and 76 days at sea.
Emorje.com writes about maritime news, comments and interviews, covers an interesting section of maritime and heritage, and manages the online store. Emorje.com also perform a monthly photo contest.

Contact: urednistvo@e-morje.com
Link: https://emorje.com/


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